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marcel stoetzler
matthew karas
guitar, keyboards
simon marsh
ravi low-beer


Our album, Fantods, is available on the following platforms, and many other places:

May 2024 - NEW RELEASE!

We have just released a new single, currently only as a digital download. It is also our first ever release of a cover version. We have played a handful of cover versions live, in the past. At our very early shows in 2004-5, Matthew sometimes played "When I'm Cleaning Windows", as an encore, because as a band, we didn't know any more songs. Then in 2009, we played "Love Me I'm A Liberal" and "Bach. Beethoven, Mozart and Me" at a Phil Ochs tribute night, and "Swordfishtrombones" at a Tom Waits tribute night.

So here, with help from David Tucker, is our cover version of the song, which Lou Reed said was the one song he wished he had written, "Idiot Wind" by Bob Dylan. We never manage to do things in a timely manner. The original performances behind this recording were part of the sessions for our unreleased second album, "Fibre Fatigue". This is actually a remix of the album track, so in topsey-turvey style, we are releasing the remix before the original.

Links to "Idiot Wind"
Words and Music by Bob Dylan
Performed by Glassglue and David Tucker

Sep 2015 - NEW SONGS!

Last night, we played live on Club Integral's show in Resonance FM. The programme is available on demand on Mixcloud. The whole show is truly excellent - especially Andrew's memory failure. However, for Glassglue fans with short attention spans, our new songs can be found as follows: "Mazey Afternoon" 15 min, "High Speed Train" 32 min, and "I Saw Bertie" 46 min 30 sec.

We will be playing at another Club Integral event at I'klectik near Waterloo on Saturday (16th Sept). We will be opening for Jhp/art Errorist (FaUst), veteran reeds and electronics experimenter Geoff Leigh (Henry Cow, Black Sheep, The Artaud Beats), electronic sound artist and painter Max Manac'h (FaUSt), and young drum prodigy George MacDonald (The Kid Kapichi), who will join forces in various configurations for an evening of off-the-leash KrautRock, ambient, & electronic improvisations With Melanie Clifford: moving image.

Feb 2015

We will be playing a Club Integral event at The Others in Stoke Newington on April 24th. Other acts are yet to be confirmed.

Oct 2014

Our album, Fantods, is available from Bandcamp, Amazon, Google Play, Spotify and iTunes:

Dec 2013

From Friday 6th December, you will be able to buy our album, Fantods, from all good music sites. Here's the link to Amazon:
glassglue: fantods

Lee McFadden's review is in Mudkiss:
November 2013 Reviews it's about half way down.

Sep 2013

Our album, Fantods, is being released by Hans-Joachim Irmler's Klangbad Records, to download from 6th December. Here's what the PR people have to say about it:

Fantods album release, press release (PDF)

Aug 2013

We are playing at Mme Jojo's on Monday 12th August - see our Facebook page for details.

Jun 2012

We now have a Twitter feed which will keep you informed of gigs, releases and new stuff to see and hear on this website. Just click on the button at the top of the page. Our Twitter ID is @g1assg1ue with numeric 1s instead of lower-case Ls. We were too late to snap up the name, glassglue. This time it wasn't grabbed by a glue-maker. Probably a fan of Edward Gorey.

Mar 2012

Our Facebook page now has a proper address: facebook.com/glassglue.music. Outrageous that it may seem, we had to add the DOT MUSIC to our name because an actual glue manufacturer has a page called "glassglue".


That is, Soren Stirling's video of our song, "Embarrassing":